Monday, March 1, 2010

Too little too late for Tiger?

Tiger Woods will address the public Friday. Or will he? Woods is not allowing questions and only allowing pre approved reporters present during his televised address from TPC Sawgrass Clubhouse in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Woods is mistaken to believe he can control his image in the media. What will he say? How will he say it? Why isn’t he allowing questions? This is what I have been wondering about Tiger Wood’s official statement on Friday. How is this crisis being handled? I think his image will become tarnished. He will finally be addressing the public but only on his terms. This makes him appear controlling. He needs to use public relations to his advantage and learn how to work the system, not try to run it.

There have been so many PR mistakes made surrounding Tiger Woods. I want to point out just a few public relations tactics I would have used.

Issue an immediate apology.
Apologizing to family, fans, sponsors, and the game of golf would have improved his immediate image. This shows his humanity and helps him become relatable. This would have been a way to use PR to soften the accusations and his public image.

Do not quit the reason you are “Tiger Woods”.
Woods took a sabbatical from golf after his media crisis. This was a mistake in my opinion. It made Woods appear weak and defeated by the media and accusations. In order for Woods to return to golf he needs to appear strong. This is why I think he is making an official statement on Friday. I think he will finally address the situation so he can return to the game. I also think it might be too late for the media to give him a break because he waited so long to let them in.

Make a public appearance.
Woods has been hiding for months from the media. This has only led to the wonder of where he has been all this time. This interest has fueled media stories. Make a public appearance. Go to Starbucks, flash your smile at the cashier, buy a cup of coffee, get back in your wrecked Escalade and go home. This will show the public that your living your life just as normal as you did before the crisis.

Answer the tough questions.
Do what every other black listed celebrity does, go on Oprah. It might sound cliché, or petty even but it will work. If Oprah wants to hear your story, so does the rest of the world. This will make the public sympathetic to your situation because the public loves to see celebrities vulnerable.

Only time will tell if Woods will once again be the king of golf. When it comes to sports PR the best solution is to get the fans and media to move on from the incident. His appearance might do just that if he announces to return to the game. Once he returns he will have to be the Tiger Woods we grew to love and if he starts winning all will be back to normal. It’s finally time for you to speak Tiger and I’ll be interested to hear what you have to say.

-Lisa Lindauer

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